In the city of Weirgate, in the United Kingdom, we join our Kindred as they are settling in to life among Vampire Society. Cassius Banks is back after a long time away, and is coming to visit his Sire. Tess Aquila is entering her 6th month as a Kindred, and looking to get out from under her Guardian’s gaze. Chrys is dead, and not loving it, even being dragged out to feed with Tess, she is reluctant and sullen. Marlowe, has his work, there’s always things to investigate, always intrigue to pursue. As long as he keeps his head straight.
Events in the city progress slowly, and the seemingly idyllic city-scape has growing problems gestating in the shadows. As Kindred start to go missing, a worrying trend is revealed…
Check out this Superstar Cast!
Marlowe [Hydra] –
Tess [Vandi] –
Chrys [Tash] –
Cassius [Josh] –
Also check out Josh’s RP Channel, Strange Adventures… it has vampires! –
/ @strangeadventures
And Hydra’s RP Channel, it has Warhammer! –
/ @rollcorruption